en English

Cancellations and Refunds

Cancellation of your booking must be in writing or by email to Mystical Journeys. When written notification has been received by Mystical Journeys, a fee of $250 USD will be levied to cover administration costs.

If you cancel 60 days or more before the trip starts, you will receive a 80% refund.

If you cancel between 30-59 days in advance, you will receive a 50% refund.

If you cancel between 15-29 days in advance, you will receive a 30% refund.

If you cancel less than 15 days in advance there will be no refund.

Please note: this cancellation policy also applies to trip cancellation (for you, individually or for the group as a whole) due to acts of God, or any unforeseen or unexpected events that are not within the control of the tour operators. For example, this means that if you have a death in the family one week before the trip which causes you to cancel the trip, you will not receive a refund. Similarly, if there is a terrorist event or earthquake, that makes it impossible or uncomfortable for the tour to take place, the same cancellation conditions and deadlines will apply.

Although we do not expect this type of event, we highly recommend that you get trip insurance, to cover this possibility. Most of the vendors on this trip will be paid in advance and these fees are not possible for the tour operators to recover once they are paid. If you elect not to get trip insurance you must assume the risk that, in such circumstances, you may lose all or part of your trip fee.

Airline tickets to and from India. Your trip fee does not include your international travel costs to and from India. If your trip is cancelled for any reason whatsoever, Mystical Journeys are not responsible for any loss of money due to non refundable tickets on air carriers to and from India.

Tour Cancellation/Interruption Coverage: As mentioned earlier, we highly recommend that you get trip insurance to cover possible additional costs (airline tickets, loss of luggage, trip delay, medical evacuation, etc.). Please note that travel insurance companies often require insurance be purchased within two weeks of your initial tour confirmation date to include coverage for pre-existing conditions.


Guests are responsible for their own baggage. The baggage at the airport, during any air travel, in coaches, in any train journey, at immigration point’s etc., guests have to verify and be responsible for the same. The porterage or the tips for services rendered to carry guests baggage to the rooms is guest’s responsibility and have to be paid directly to the service provider. The “porter” or any helper arranged by the guests at any train stations, airports, at immigration points or any other place, is the sole responsibility of the guests and guests shall have to pay directly to them.


Loss of Passport Guests travelling abroad should take care of his/her passport. Loss of the passport on tour involves costs and consequences such as filing FIR, visiting Indian Embassy, getting new passport or landing certificate, expenses on the stay, food, transportation etc. all of which have to be borne and paid by the concerned guests only. Getting the landing certificate or the new passport is the sole responsibility of the guest. The Tour Manager is not responsible or liable or under any obligation for the loss of passport and the consequences thereof. Entire consequential expenses shall be met by the guests. Any other guest accompanying the guest who has lost the passport wishes to terminate the tour intermittently, will have to meet the expenses etc. No refund will be given to the guest leaving the tour abruptly. The tour manager won’t stay back in any case.

Photographs and Video:

We reserve the right to take photographs and video during your trip. By traveling with us, you grant to us the absolute and irrevocable right and unrestricted permission to use and publish your image, or likeness, without compensation, for commercial, advertising, editorial, or any other purpose; and in any manner and medium, whether now known or hereafter devised; and to alter and composite the same without restriction and without your inspection or approval. You hereby release and discharge us from and against any and all claims, liabilities, costs, damages and expenses of any kind arising out of or relating to the use by us of your image or likeness. If you prefer that your image or likeness not be used, you must advise us in writing, no later than 30 days prior to your departure date.

Photographs and video of your trip may be submitted to us by you or by third parties such as (but not limited to) other travelers, tour guides, crew, or staff members.

 Guests in need of special assistance:

In a group tour, special services cannot be given to any specific person. However, if informed at the time of booking, the company, without being held responsible in any way whatsoever, will make reasonable attempt to accommodate the special needs of disabled guests or senior citizens. Most transportation services are not equipped with wheelchair ramps. A capable companion must accompany the guest who needs assistance.


In the highly unlikely event that you may wish to make a formal complaint against Mystical Journeys. Please inform the Mystical Journeys Representative/Driver at the time. If the matter cannot be resolved immediately or during your trip after the Representative/Driver best endeavors to do so, your complaint should be made in writing to  Mystical Journeys as soon as is reasonably possible after the holiday, but within 30 days thereof so that your complaint can be investigated. Mystical Journeys will not consider any claims after the 30-day period. You will be assured of respect and courtesy whilst your complaint is being dealt with.


All disputes pertaining to the tour and any claim arising herein shall be subject to the Court of Jurisdiction at Delhi only.


Whenever you need any help or want to contact us for any reason, please find us at india@mji.co.in or reach us at +91-11-25072571, 25073802.

Mystical Journeys (I) Pvt. Ltd. reserves the right of final explanation to above terms.